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Hot British Boyfriend by Kristy Boyce | Review

Thank you to Harper360YA for the copy of Hot British Boyfriend for review! This book was on my radar since last year when I saw the cover reveal on twitter, and I was pretty hyped for it. I thought it would be a super fun contemporary, and whilst it had a lot of potential it … Continue reading Hot British Boyfriend by Kristy Boyce | Review

Most Anticipated Reads of 2021, Second Quarter – Part 1

Hi *waves* I'm back from my hiatus! And what better way to come back with a bang than a ridiculously long list of my most anticipated reads. Except I had to split the list into 2 parts because there were just so many books coming out. I'm talking 32! So this post has 16 and … Continue reading Most Anticipated Reads of 2021, Second Quarter – Part 1